RI:PLAN is a set of 4 initiatives which bring affordable design options, in an innovative inclusive design process, to residents in Roosevelt Island, NY. RI:PLAN will include RI:POP, RI:BOX, RI:WORK AND RI:DESIGN.
We will be testing RI:BOX..... we will design with Roosevelt Island residents, testing our exclusive RI:BOX models.The models are toolkits which easily bring the residents into the process of design and can be used as a family game.
What is RI:BOX?
Sample apartment models of real apartments on Roosevelt Island have been created as design kits, and will be easily used to imagine personalized space. The designs come as a box and include the existing perimeter walls, openings, structure, shafts and existing partitions. All non structural walls and shafts can be removed and relocated. Additional pieces can be added to reconfigure the spaces into a dream home..!